Assessment is a systematic, collaborative, and continuous process for improving programs and operations. In academic programs, the main focus of assessment is on improvement of learning. In administrative and student support units, the main focus is on efficiency, effectiveness, and reach.

The cyclical assessment process includes 5 steps. The following are some questions that should be discussed at each step:
- Develop Program Mission & Outcomes: Do the stated outcomes align with the programs/unit mission statement and goals? With the institution's mission and goals? For support units, are the key functional areas represented in the outcomes?
- Design the Assessment Plan: What measures will be used to collect data for evidence of each outcome? What is the targeted level of achievement? How will the data be aggregated/analyzed once collected?
- Implement the Plan & Collect Data: When/how will data be collected and who is responsible for collecting/maintaining it?
- Analyze and Interpret Findings: Based on the findings, where is there room for improvement? Are there disparities between groups from which data was collected? Is the data meaningful/useful? What doesn't the data tell us that we want to know?
- Modify & Improve: Are modifications to the assessment strategy necessary? How will the findings be used to make changes that will directly impact achievement of the outcome in the future?
Frequently Asked QuestionsWhat is an assessment plan? An assessment plan details the outcomes or objectives to be prioritized during the upcoming assessment cycle. Also included in the plan are the methods of collecting and analyzing data (measures) and the specific levels at which a program or unit considers their outcomes/objectives to be achieved on each measure (targets). Check out these glossaries for more assessment definitions used at Texas A&M University: Where can I learn more about assessment?