Instructors have direct access to the Student Course Evaluation (SCE) results via "My Dashboard" or the "Report Library" within HelioCampus (AEFIS).
For the availability date of SCE results for each semester, please refer to this link: SCE IMPORTANT DATES
*Department Heads and SCE liaisons have access to department-level results through both HelioCampus (AEFIS) and HelioCampus Dashboard.
For the availability date of SCE results for each semester, please refer to this link: SCE IMPORTANT DATES
*Department Heads and SCE liaisons have access to department-level results through both HelioCampus (AEFIS) and HelioCampus Dashboard.
"My Dashboard" -> "My Course Evaluations":

1. On the My Course Evaluation widget, click the three dots and select Past Evaluations for a list of completed evaluations.
2. Click View Results to produce an SCE report that can be downloaded via CSV, Excel, PDF, or print.
"Report Library" -> "Survey and Course Evaluation Reports":
- Analysis of Student Course Evaluation by Instructor – This report allows users to generate a report that displays SCE results for a specific instructor or teaching assistant. Users can select whether to include student comments items in the report.
- Course Section Trend Analysis -This report will organize the data collected by surveys utilizing the same survey template and allow the user to compare the results to another set of aggregate results. For example, a department can compare both their overall results and specific survey question results to their College or the Institution if the same survey template is used. Another option is to compare the course section result with the aggregate course results. The user can choose to display choose multiple statistics for comparison purposes. Please note that this report will generate a large data set that often will require the user to export the results to review the data.
For access to previous evaluations (prior to Fall 2020), submitted electronically, use the Instructor Login at