1. Email Notifications
HelioCampus sends an email notification to the Assessment Liaison when a Program Coordinator submits an Assessment Report for review. The sender of the email is listed as The Office of Institutional Effectiveness & Evaluation.Please be sure to carefully read these emails as they include due dates for report approval.
2. Log in to HelioCampus
Log in here: https://tamu.aefis.net.You will be automatically redirected to authenticate through CAS using your NetID and password.3. Access Assessment Reports
Assessment Reports are found in the Action Items list on the right side of the screen after logging in. Reports ready for review are labeled "4. Final Approval" as seen below. Click the blue pencil icon to open the report.
In the form, there is an editable section at the bottom of the form under the header Final Approver Comments where comments can be entered.
4. Approve and/or Reject Assessment Reports
Review the report with particular attention paid to the Findings, Use of Results, and Status Update sections. The report includes feedback from OIEE which you may review if you so choose. Your final determination should be based on whether the reported information is accurate to the best of your knowledge.- Determination: Revisions Necessary - Select No, report requires revision in the dropdown menu at the bottom of the form. Provide specific direction in the text box. Click Send Back then click Submit the Form. This action will send the report back to the Program Coordinator for revision. The system will automatically notify the Program Coordinator that the report was returned to them. You will be able to review the report again when the Program Coordinator resubmits.
- Determination: Approved - Select Yes in the dropdown menu. Leave comments if you so choose. Finally, click Send Forward and then click Submit the Form to send the approved report to OIEE.