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Office of Institutional Effectiveness & Evaluation Texas A&M University Office of InstitutionalEffectiveness & Evaluation

Submitting Artifacts

What courses are due for assessment?

In Academic Year 2024-25Cohort B courses are due for centralized assessment. Instructors of record for Core Curriculum courses due for centralized assessment are contacted via email by the Office of Institutional Effectiveness & Evaluation (

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The due date to submit artifacts for centralized assessment is:
Monday, December 16, 2024 for Fall 2024 courses
Monday, May 12, 2024 for Spring 2025 courses

What assignment should I select?

Instructors should identify one assignment where students are instructed to demonstrate the core objective that will be assessed. In identifying or creating the assignment, OIEE recommends reviewing the Core Objectives & Rubrics to ensure that the assignment aligns with what students are expected to demonstrate. For more information about the content that is expected in artifacts (student-produced work) per core objective, please refer to Instructor Resources

OIEE can assess a variety of assignments as long as the appropriate core objective rubric can be applied to the artifacts. Prominent artifacts include research essays, mathematical calculations, reflection essays, response papers, laboratory/observational reports, open-ended exam/quiz questions, recorded audio/video presentations, slide decks, and portfolios. 

Instructors can submit artifacts in one of two ways: Canvas linking or file sharing. For both methods of submission, instructors will ideally submit one artifact per student enrolled in the course. OIEE encourages Canvas linking if possible, as this is the simplest method of submission. 

Minimum requirements of the assignment:

  • The assignment is worth points/contributes to the student's grade in the course.
  • All students in the course are required to submit the assignment (i.e., not extra credit).
  • The assignment results in an individual file per student or a file that can be split up into individual student submissions.

How do I submit artifacts via Canvas?

The following process links student work submitted in Canvas to HelioCampus (formerly AEFIS, the cloud-based assessment management system) for centralized assessment by OIEE. Assignments in Canvas can be linked prior to students submitting their work. OIEE will only be given access to the students' submissions, not the instructor-provided grades, notes, or comments. 

Supported Submission Types

  • The linked assignment must be worth points in Canvas; it cannot be a no- or extra-credit assignment. However, the assignment does not have to count towards the final grade in Canvas; in the assignment options, you can select "Do not count this assignment towards the final grade" without disrupting the linking process. 
  • HelioCampus (formerly AEFIS) supports student-assigned works that are labeled Assignment or Open-ended quiz question in Canvas.

How do I submit artifacts via file sharing?

SharePoint LogoInstructors can indicate that they would like to submit artifacts via file sharing via the form below. OIEE will then create and share a link to a SharePoint folder per core objective. 

If downloading all student submissions from an assignment in Canvas, follow these steps.

If you would like to submit artifacts for assessment via file sharing, please click Request SharePoint Folder below.

Instructions for SharePoint Submission

  1. Request a SharePoint folder via the above link. You will have the option to submit an answer key for Empirical & Quantitative Skills if applicable. 
  2. You will receive an email from with instructions and access to your folder(s). If your course is being assessed for more than one objective, you will receive a folder per core objective. Folders are manually created, so please allow time for processing.
  3. Identify one assignment where students are asked to demonstrate the core objective(s) being assessed. 
  4. Upload individual submissions/files from all students enrolled in all sections of the course per learning objective. 

Notes on the Process

  • You can but are not required to include the assignment prompt or description in the SharePoint folder; however, if you are submitting for Empirical & Quantitative Skills, you are encouraged to upload the answer key if relevant to the assignment. 
  • You do not need to deidentify or rename the artifacts. 
  • Grading criteria, grading comments, or grades assigned to students are not required.